[DNA Picture] [ P M M B ]

The Program in Mathematics and Molecular Biology

PMMB Fellowships

Thank you for your interest in the Fellowships available through the Program in Mathematics and Molecular Biology (PMMB). PMMB supports a total of eleven (continuing and new) Graduate and Postdoctoral National Fellows each year. Fellowship applicants are responsible for finding a sponsor or research facility at a US university; no on-site positions are available. Fellowships are also tenable at suitable non-university settings in the U.S., such as research laboratories. If you are considering a non-university setting, please contact PMMB before submitting an application.

An application is enclosed: The official deadline for our receipt of the completed application is February 1, 1998. Your materials must arrive by February 1 to be considered. Please note that the application and all other materials submitted must be written by the applicant, except for those materials specifically requested from the sponsor or from referees.

The application form has been designed to answer questions you might have. However, if you have further need of assistance, please feel free to contact the Program by e-mail or fax. Fellowship awards are made in late May to early June 1998. Once the applicant has received and accepted a Fellowship offer, an itemized budget must be submitted before appointment papers can be processed. Appointments must start between July 1 and December 1, 1998.

Again thank you for your interest in the Program in Mathematics and Molecular Biology (PMMB). We look forward to hearing from you.

Here is the page which explains how to apply for the 1998 PMMB fellowship, along with a printable application in several popular formats.

1998 PMMB Fellowship Application Instructions

1998 PMMB Fellowship Application

[Return to PMMB Home] If you have any comments regarding this site, please feel free to contact: pmmb@math.fsu.edu